Saturday, August 11, 2012


I am home now and have had time to think about my trip. I would just like to thank everyone who supported me so that I was able to go on this life changing trip. I learned three very valuable things on this trip. I learned how lucky I am and how much I should value the caring Vail Valley that I live in. I learned to value how much opportunity we have in this country. People in Nicaragua have the same potential as you and me, but they do not have the  opportunity we have. And most importantly I learned what kind of person I want to be in life.

I wouldn't have had the amazing life changing experience that I did on this trip and I wouldn't have been able to help or even meet the amazing students at Escuela Especial without your help and support. These kids have changed my life. I hope that I changed theirs too. Thank you all so much!

Thank you:
Drex and Debbie Douglas
Don and Marci McCarthy
Eddie and Janis Pluss
Keith and Cathy Thompson
Chuck Salem
Mary Alexander
Megan Alexander
Sharon Nichols
Bill and Joyce MCcarthy (Oma & Opa)
Chris and Herb Nichols (Aiya & Papa)
Minnette van Tonder
Nancy McDonald
And anyone who purchased Share The Love Ski Bracelets and came to our dance.

And also the biggest THANK YOU Lisa Marie Howell, Jen Gutmann and Jenna Hagen for making this trip happen for me. I can't thank you enough for this experience. I hope I didn't let you down.

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